I love to travel!
I didn’t do much of it as a kid - just trips to see family. After college, I planned a one month journey to Europe. It started with a desire to go to Norway to see where my grandpa was born and then I added on Iceland, Denmark and Germany. That was when I fell in love with traveling.
Since then I’ve snorkeled in Belize, hiked in Croatia and pet cheetahs in Zambia. I love seeing the architecture and nature in different parts of the world, eating delicious food and especially, meeting all different people and experiencing their culture.
Traveling has broadened my view and exposed me to all sorts of ways of living. The experiences have also taught me how to adapt, take chances and the power that comes from stepping out of my comfort zone.
I can’t wait to show my child the world! I want them to experience the simple trips I took as a kid - seeing cousins in Waco or a day at the local beach. I also want them to see the wonder of other cultures and how they fit into the big world. It will be amazing to bring them to some of my favorite destinations and for us to explore new ones together.